Vika's Den

Thou spleeny whoreson fustilarian!

thank u skarespearean insulter

Hover your mouse over me for a surprise :)

what am i? is hard to describe fr
over the past while i've become a full person, i still need time to get to know myself.
but i feel like me
this feels right

lets get to know me together as i create this cite! :)

According to Plato, people are by definition "featherless bipeds"
Behold, a man

Keep scrolling for more awesome things

My Image

hi, i'm vika and i do things
The current thing I am doing is this cite! wow!

My Image

Pete told me ur a cool man ;3

OOoo lalaalala

here are some things i know about myself:
i like the colors green, red, blue and yellow
i love animals especially cats
i love trees, nature
clouds are rly cool
i like horror but its bad for be cz i worry @@
sour things are so good like lemons mmm

More stuffsies :)
